Saturday, December 14, 2013

pregnancy: weeks 28-30

Hello third trimester! It's a little hard to believe we're already to this point in the pregnancy.. Although, when I remember that I was 8 weeks pregnant in California this summer and 11 weeks pregnant on our trip to the Dominican Republic in July, it feels like I've been pregnant forever. But it really is flying by. I'm getting more and more excited to meet our little guy soon! He's growing and kicking around like crazy. At my last check up, the doctor said he was head down- let's hope he stays that way. I'm starting to feel a bit more pregnant with my growing belly and back pain. That's my only real complaint in all of this (besides clothes not fitting and gaining weight- ugh!) I have really bad lower and mid back pain and have a hard time finding a comfortable position. But when you think of all the other symptoms I could have, I have to be thankful.

28 weeks
 29 weeks
 30 weeks
This is also 30 weeks... my belly looks HUGE! 
I love these little Baby Gap bear slippers... Shopping for baby clothes is my new favorite thing.
The highlight of the week was our glider chair and ottoman arriving!! It actually arrived on my birthday. It was the best surprise. I spend my evenings in this chair after work. It's the most comfortable position for my back!
I also ordered this cute little animal map on etsy. It's so subtle and calm. I love how the animals are sketched and not cartoony. And their all in their geographical area, so it's educational! :)

I found this adorable fabric at a quilt shop with my mother-in-law when she was in town for Thanksgiving. We picked out fabric for her to make the baby a quilt (which I'm so excited about!) But I couldn't resist this fabric. I made a little burp cloth. I might make a pillow out of it- I can't decide.  
We were waiting for the chair to arrive to start hanging these shelves. I ordered a bunch of books from Amazon (a lot were recommended by Carrie who always finds the cutest books).
I can't wait for our baby to be here! I think we'll be spending lots of time together in this chair... In the mean time, I'll snuggle with this little guy!
All of these pictures were taken with my phone. Once the nursery is complete, I'll take pictures with my real camera. Which reminds me! We booked our newborn photos with a photographer! I didn't care too much to have maternity photos, but I definitely wanted newborn shots in our home.. very natural and relaxed. they're tentatively scheduled for March 2nd. I can't wait!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving break was filled with family and friends. Carrie and Andrew stopped by for dinner on Wednesday night since they were spending the holiday with Andrew's sister here in GA. It's always so fun to have them over! 
Brian's parents and brother came down for a few days, so we celebrated Thanksgiving with them! Toby loves visitors. :)
Here we are on Thanksgiving Day! 28 weeks pregnant. Next year, we'll have a 9 month old! Hard to believe.
Our niece Meg wore one of my turkey onesies. So festive!
I love this picture of the whole family.
 Uncle Brian and the nephews!
It was a wonderful week off of work- I got much needed rest and even finished a project for the baby's room! More on that later. :)