Sunday, March 25, 2012

DIY: coffee filter flower twig wreath

In five weeks I am helping host my dear friend Michelle's baby shower! I can't wait. My mind has been going crazy with ideas, mostly pinterest-inspired. I find myself eating lunch at work and sketching out Dorothy's house (where we're having the shower) with all the decorations labeled, and making countless lists. I love it. Today, I was able to cross off the coffee filter flower twig wreath from my to-do list!  
It was so fun to make! I followed a tutorial from design sponge. I recommend following their directions instead of mine because they explain how to make the flowers a lot better than me! The first step is to dye your filters. All you have to do is add acrylic paint to water and soak the filters for up to an hour (depending on how rich a color you're looking for). 
 Then, hang them up to dry. Toby helped me find any that blew away int he wind.
Once dried, fold the filters and cut them so the edges begin to look like flower petals. Also, cut a small hole in the bottom center of the filters. This works best if you fold the filters into quarters and then cut.
Then you can assemble your flowers! Start with one sheet of the darkest color and twist at the bottom. Next, take 2 sheets of the medium color and pull up around the inner layer. Last, take 3 sheets of the lightest color and pull up around the medium color. Twist at the bottom and secure with masking tape. I made different sizes and used different numbers of filters for each flower. 
Lastly, hot glue the flowers to your wreath! I love the way this project turned out. I made two wreaths for french doors that open to the back porch at Dorothy's house. I can't wait to see how it all comes together!  


  1. Al! This is so SWEET! I can't wait I can't wait!!!

  2. Just found your blog through your comment on Cup of Jo. Welcome to LA! You might like Via Los Angeles. It's "Your Little Black Book to the City of Angels."


    1. Thanks so much! I will definitely check out that site!

  3. seria mas facil con un tutorial video..hay cosas q no entiendo..gracias igual!!!!

  4. soy
