Monday, February 10, 2014

pregnancy: weeks 37-39

I'm ready. So ready. This is the hardest part! Waiting for these last few days before baby P's arrival is torture! Well, that and the back pain I have every day... Around 37 weeks my blood pressure was a little high, so I monitored it regularly. After a few snow days at home and a weekend to relax, it went back down, and I felt much better! I'm so thankful it was just a fluke and nothing more serious. The baby is still moving around lots and clearly growing by the day. I'm measuring on track and hoping he comes sooner than later! Just after the bad weather we're predicted to have in Atlanta. I'm not sure I could handle dealing with all of that... In the mean time, I'm trying to enjoy these last few days with just me and Brian, but I really can't wait to meet this little guy! Every time I see my students at school they are shocked that I'm still at work. It's not easy getting up every day, figuring out WHAT IN THE WORLD TO WEAR, and making it through a whole work day, but it certainly makes the time go by quickly! I'm very much looking forward to my maternity leave! :)

37 weeks- I look ridiculous, but forgot to take another picture this week! 
 38 weeks- huge!! 
 39 weeks