Thursday, January 5, 2017

Owen's Birthday Project: Book & Blanket Drive

It's that time again! As we prepare to celebrate Owen's 3rd birthday, we are hosting another Book & Blanket Drive this year. I'm not ready to commit to this being an annual event for each of his birthdays- I'd like to continue to take it one year at a time. I do know however that I absolutely love everything about hosting this and making it happen. Each year we are amazed by the turnout and support we receive. Your donations to families with babies and children in the ICU are so appreciated. Thank you.

If you are new to our story, Owen was our first baby who was born with a severe heart defect called Shone's Complex. He lived for 43 days and was the sweetest and strongest little baby. Books and blankets were two of his most favorite things. He loved being read to, and we loved reading to him. It created memories I will never forget. Having our own personal blankets in the hospital made the unit feel more like home (which is usually the case for a lot of these families- living in the hospital every waking hour).

We invite you to join us again this year if you are able. We will accept any new or gently used blankets and books. Blankets of all sizes and weights can be used. Longer children's books are great for more critical children and babies who are unable to move around and interact as much. I mostly read these to Owen because they helped pass the time. He liked looking at the pictures, and I liked knowing that he was hearing my voice. Board books are good for less critical babies and toddlers to stay entertained with. All donations will be washed and cleaned before packaging in gift bags for each family with a special note of encouragement.

This year we are not only delivering to Egleston in Atlanta, but also to Levine Children's Hospital here in Charlotte. I'm looking forward to delivering packages to both hospitals! 

If you would like to give monetarily, I am happy to shop for you or use your money to put toward packaging supplies. If you would like to buy new and don't want to pay for shipping, Amazon Prime is a great option! All donations need to be made by February 18th, and we will deliver to both hospitals on February 23rd. Email us at bookandblanketdrive[at] if you would like to mail or ship items to our address. Atlanta friends, I have people who are able to collect donations. Let me know if you are interested, and I'll get you in touch with them.

I can't thank you enough for your support in this and making it so successful. As a former parent of a child in the CICU, I can honestly say that any act of kindness, especially from strangers, means the world when you are in such a state of crisis. We felt so much love from people we may never meet face to face, and it's an honor to do the same for others who are now in a similar situation. Thanks for joining us!

2016 Book and Blanket Drive
2016 Book and Blanket Drive Progress
2015 Book and Blanket Drive