Valentine's Day is not a huge deal to me, but it is nice to do something a little special.. We had planned on going to a dinner and a movie with the rest of Atlanta, but I ended up having to work late so it did not work out. That's okay though. Brian picked up our favorite dinner from Fresh to Order (one of my favorite places here!) and we snuggled up on the couch with dinner, red wine, and lovely mindless Monday night television. Perfection. And we got to spend the evening with our child dog who turned one today! Toby got to spend the day at his favorite place- Camp Bow Wow, where he received a happy birthday bandanna and a frozen yogurt treat! Needless to say, he is EXHAUSTED after playing for 8 hours straight. :)
Wedding Dress Shopping with CCC!
It seems that the last several blog posts have been wedding-related... I guess that's what happens when two of your very best friends in the whole world are engaged! When Carrie planned a last minute trip to Atlanta to go wedding dress shopping I was ecstatic! Really. I could hardly contain my excitement. The wedding dress is my most favorite part about weddings. It sets the tone of the whole event.
I wanted to make things festive for when Carrie arrived. Sugar cookies seemed like the perfect option. I ran to Michaels, grabbed some cookie cutters and went to work. I love doing things like this. My dream job would be to own a bakery and decorate cookies and cupcakes all day. So fun.
Right before we went out for fish tacos and margaritas! We could live off of fish tacos.

Our morning started early. We got up at 6:00 and were on the road by 7:15 energized and ready to go! We arrived at the secret location right on time and were thrown into a room full of beautiful gowns. This really was a team effort. Carrie was literally diving into dresses.. We felt like little girls playing dress up. There was one moment when I was trying to zip Carrie up and she COULD NOT stop laughing.. We didn't have time to waste giggling! We needed to zip up, examine, and move on to the next dress! It really was a fun process.. and a successful process too! The third to last dress was the one she chose. All along we had both been saying, "that one is pretty..." This was the first time we used the word "love." Not revealing any details, I will say that it is totally Carrie. Can't wait for May 7th!