Saturday, April 30, 2011

one year ago today...

We came home with THIS little guy!

Brian and I had been dying to get a dog ever since we got married. We spent countless hours on petfinder searching for the perfect pup to adopt. We would go to Piedmont Park and hang outside of the dog park, envious of all the dog owners. After 10 months of marriage, we couldn't take it any more. It was time. We woke up early on Saturday morning and headed to two different shelters before finding the one. We had found Toby's ad on petfinder, but there was a chance he wouldn't be at the pet adoption, so we almost didn't go.. But we did. And it was love at first sight. He snuggled up between my feet and fell asleep as I was filling out the adoption application. We couldn't stop smiling. People stopped us on the sidewalk asking if we were "first time parents." It was obvious that we were smitten!

This is what we texted friends and family.. We didn't tell anyone before we got him. Thanks Carrie, for still having this text saved one year later. I knew I could count on you!

This was his add on petfinder:

"I am one of five boys and 2 girls who were left in a box at Henry County Animal Control. I am around 8 weeks old. I really like to play with balls and am also very snuggly. I have beautiful black and white markings, and a white tip on my tail. I am microchipped too."

Toby's first night in his new home

I realize this sounds like a "birth story." But we don't have kids. Toby is our practice kid and we love him more than anything else. He is still snuggly and is playing with a ball right now. :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Weekend

We took a break from unpacking boxes and painting walls at the new house to spend Easter at the cabin with Brian's parents! (Did I mention we moved two weeks ago?) We love going to the cabin. Brian grew up going when he was a little boy, and we took weekend trips with friends in college with different groups of friends. I love that there are memories there. Brian's parents retired last spring and live there during the summer and fall. It was great to be in the mountains again!

Joy Lynne & I arranging cupcakes!

carrot cake & strawberry lemon cupcakes!

everyone except for Lloyd at Easter dinner

Me & Brian before church. We went to the same church that I met Brian at 10 years ago, a couple months after we met that summer in Jamaica in 2001. It had been 10 years since since I had been back to the church!

it was a full house!

Thanks Lloyd for the pictures!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jeff & Ginna get MARRIED!!!!

Where do I even begin with this post? I feel like the past 5 days flew by so quickly. I am so thankful that Ginna's wedding happened to be over my spring break, so I could come up and help out with everything! I flew into Raleigh Tuesday night and stayed with Ginna at their new apartment. It was so fun. Just like we were roommates again. Carrie and Lucy joined us on Wednesday in Oak Ridge for flower arranging, pompom making, cupcake baking, decorating, and finalizing all the last minute details. We had lots of quality time together just relaxing and enjoying the last few moments of Ginna being a Clement!

Ginna was such a wonderful bride- so organized and not stressed at all! The wedding was absolutely beautiful. It was obvious that so much time and effort was put into making everything so special.

Here they are!! the BEAUTIFUL bride and goom!!

I love this one of Ginna and her MOHs

We had so much fun together!

The lovely favor table

I loved the way this looked... And the cake tasted amazing!!

Welcome to the married club, Ginna and Jeff!

Have fun in Cancun!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cooper River Bridge Run

So life has been really busy lately, but SO fun! Last weekend Brian and I headed to Charleston to meet up with our college friends, Josh and Emily for the Cooper River Bridge Run. We were all a little nervous about the race, but we all did great! The run itself was awesome- My goal was just to run the whole thing, and that's what we did. Maybe next year I'll work on my time. :) We got to explore downtown Charleston (Brian had never been before), eat at fun restaurants, and spend all day on the BEACH! Emily and I got a little sunburned.. But all is well and it was so worth it! I can't wait for next year!