Monday, January 23, 2012

middle of january

Well, it's the middle of January. The holidays are over, and I've been back at work for three weeks. Work has been so crazy lately... I have 34 IEPs and re-evals before spring break. Not to mention squeezing 45 kids in my schedule for therapy. It's a little nuts, but I love coming home to my calm and cozy little house where I am greeted by Toby! I especially love coming home when it's still daylight. I force myself to run, cook dinner, wait for Brian to get home, cuddle on the couch and browse pinterest looking for baby shower ideas (!!!!), crafts and decorating inspiration. It's the greatest part of my day. If I could decorate, shop, bake, and craft all day I would be in heaven. Ah, I can dream, right?


I got this old tool box a few months ago at an antique store in Buford. It's old and pretty rackety which made me love it more. I can't wait to have potted tulips on it in the spring. 

 I started this pinterest-inspired wreath (using this tutorial) at Thanksgiving, and I just finished it tonight! I didn't work on it consistently, but it did take a long time to make. I hung it over an old window I already had hanging in our bedroom. I think it adds a lovely touch to the space. I eventually want to add a long shelf under the window. 

Oh! Everyone should start reading my mom's blog where she is documenting their time in Los Angeles! April cannot come soon enough. I can't wait to visit!! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

a lovely long weekend

Cheers! Carrie and Andrew came to visit!

We went to dinner at the Porter in Little 5 Points. The cozy atmosphere was quite perfect for a cold January night. A beer list of 430 beers was a little overwhelming though! 

The boys played video games and watched kung fu movies while Carrie and I discussed baby shower ideas (for Michelle's upcoming shower!!) and snuggled in bed with Toby, chatting about anti-aging wrinkle cream, ha! We drank coffee and ate scones before Brian left for work this morning. Andrew left to spend some time with his family who also live here, while Carrie and I sat in our pajamas on the couch until noon, flipping through decorating books and continuing to catch up on life.. It was wonderful! 

And then they left. And here I sit. Tissues, hot tea, and sweater boots. Yes, I have ANOTHER cold. This has been the year of sickness for me! There are so many sick people at work, and I sat in a 3 hour IEP meeting in my tiny office with a parent who was sneezing and blowing her nose. I guess it's that time of year? I'm thankful I don't have the stomach bug that is also going around!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


This weekend was pretty low key, which was actually quite nice. The first week back to work after Christmas break is always crazy, and this year was no exception. I am supposed to be training for this half marathon in March.. I've been doing fairly well with training, but this week it was just too much to come home and run after work. I'm back on schedule though! I ran 4.5 miles yesterday and 6 miles today. Toby has been the best little training partner. He gets SO EXCITED to go for a run. Sometimes when I really don't want to go (but know I need to), I'll ask him because his enthusiasm helps get me going. We ran today through the rain. Poor Toby had to shake the water off of him every half mile. I've also been listening to The Hunger Games on audio, which has really helped  take my mind off of everything else. Here's sweet Toby resting in his favorite spot by the door after our run today. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

happy new year!

Last night we had a fun little New Year's Eve celebration at Julie and Josiah's apartment! It was so wonderful celebrating the new year with friends. We made lots of yummy food, played some Settlers, and watched the ball drop while drinking champagne! 

I am already looking forward to what this year will bring.. a trip to visit my parents in LA, my first half marathon, my sister's college graduation, the birth of my dear friend Michelle's first baby, and who knows what else! Happy 2012!!