Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

We headed to Raleigh on Saturday to spend New Year's Eve with the Neel's and the Gregory's! We had been looking forward to this trip for several reasons... We wanted Toby and Poncho to meet Jeff and Ginna's new pup, Leia, we wanted to conquer the biggest run in our marathon training together, we wanted to celebrate Christen's birthday, and we wanted to celebrate New Year's Eve with our dear friends! 

When we arrived, the first stop was the dog park. It was freezing and it had just rained, so the dogs got extra muddy. 
 Look at how dirty Leia is! She had to be hosed off...
Sunday morning, we woke up and headed to the American Tobacco Trail, and began our 22.2 mile run. It was cold. It was hard. It was a little hilly. It was LONG. But WE MADE IT!!! We ran the entire time. It had it ups and downs, but we conquered it together. None of us could believe that we had just run that many miles. Wow. Never in my life did I think I could do this. Three weeks until the marathon! 
After our run, we were pretty much shot. We lounged around for the rest of the day, watched some Happy Endings, and ordered pizza. The next morning was Christen's birthday! Ginna made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and then the girls went to get manis/pedis while the guys watched the pups.
We spent some of the afternoon making the pups bow ties for New Year's Eve. Look how cute they are! 
 Sleepy pups on the couch!
Ginna had a beautiful festive table. We all dressed up, had a fabulous dinner, and our own party at their apartment.

We even had a photo shoot complete with props. :) We had so much fun!! The guys were good sports.  

This was my favorite New Year's Eve ever. Cheers to 2013! 


  1. It looks like so much fun! And the dogs are so so cute together!

  2. You guys look like you had a fabulous NYEs!! I hope that I get to see you soon!!
