pregnancy: weeks 25-27

Here we are at the end of the second trimester! Crazy... Other than some lower back pain at the end of the day and getting light headed in the mornings sometimes (oh, and the occasional hot flashes which no one ever tells you about!), I'm feeling great! Really, I can't complain. Do I love being pregnant? Not yet, but I'm starting to like it more now that I can really feel the baby kicking around inside all the time! It's the greatest feeling. I can't help but touch my stomach whenever I feel movement. I stopped running because it became too uncomfortable, but I still go for long walks and do yoga. I really want to keep my activity up as much as possible through out the pregnancy. All of my cravings stopped around week 18. Hopefully they're gone for good. The baby had a little growth spurt in these three weeks. Shirts that used to fit no longer do, and pants are becoming more and more uncomfortable... If I could, I'd wear leggings and a big t-shirt all day every day! 
Week 25 - dresses are way more comfortable than pants! :)
Week 26 - This is a horrible picture and was taken on the last day that I was officially 26 weeks... I had just gotten home from work on a Friday, was exhausted and ready to put on pajamas! I made Brian take a quick shot and didn't even look at it until now. Toby wanted to show his profile too. He's so serious...
 Week 27! Again. Dresses are way more comfy.
This weekend, I sewed the crib skirt! It's nothing fancy, but it's nice to cross that off my list. Next is the bumper which will be a little more complicated, but I'm hoping to knock that out next weekend! I really can't wait for this room to be finished. It's so fun working on it, and I can't wait to see our baby in it!


  1. Precious! You are darling pregnant, of course you are darling anyway!!!

  2. You look great! And I love that Toby wanted to show off his profile too!

  3. The crib skirt looks great! I hope the next project goes just as smoothly. What a beautiful room your baby has already!
