Wednesday, October 31, 2012

happy halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying this season as much as we are. This cold weather has made it feel much more like fall lately... We even had to turn on our heat! I can't believe October is already over.. This is my favorite time of year! 
We celebrated Halloween this year with our nephews, Truett and Jack who came to trick-or-treat at our house. This was their first time, so it was pretty exciting. They weren't quite sure what to do when I greeted them at the door with a bowl full of candy. Truett tried to take the whole bowl. Jack wanted to hold the candy in his hands instead of putting it in his bag. I made these rice krispie treat pops to make it even more festive. :)
 Batman and Raphael showing us their muscles!
We had a little celebration with homemade hot chocolate and marshmallows. Toby had a fun time chasing them around the house. And we only had one spill! I consider that a success.

 Truett is wearing Brian's old batman costume that his mom made for him when he was a kid!
Toby isn't used to so much excitement around here! :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

HL Girls weekend!

This weekend we had our annual Hamilton Lakes Girls Weekend. Last year, we headed to Sparta to visit Michelle at her beautiful country home. Last year was special because she announced to all of us at once that she was pregnant! It was so fun to find out all together! This year, Reagan joined in the weekend fun! 
I drove up to Charlotte to ride the rest of the way with Carrie. We hit some bad traffic, but we were still able to make it before Reagan went to bed. We couldn't wait to get our hands on that sweet baby! 
We got to experience bath time! Look at how cute she is!! 
And then the Raleigh/Greensboro car arrived! We all just couldn't take our eyes off of Reagan. She was certainly the star of the weekend. 
We spent the entire evening laughing and catching up on life. The next morning, Michelle made pancakes, and we took our time drinking coffee and passing Reagan around the room. She took her morning nap, and then it was time for a photo shoot!
We dressed her up in this adorable little outfit and propped her up next to pumpkins. She is very photogenic. Just a beautiful happy baby! She only cried a couple of times, and even that was adorable.
 It's fun to have traditions. Here we are this year....
And last year when Reagan was in Michelle's tummy. :)
We took a short drive to an overlook on the parkway. The leaves were beautiful!  
And then it was time to say goodbye. It was a quick trip, but great to see everyone. Especially Reagan. Can't wait until next year!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

fall is in the air

We had a big cold front this past weekend, and we are loving the chill in the air! Toby is a huge fan of the cooler weather. He usually prefers to be indoors, but now he loves to lay in the grass and chew on sticks. :)

Brian's best friend Mike flew down from Bloomington for a long weekend visit! From what I saw, it looked like they had the perfect weekend together. Lots of video games, boy movies, junk food, and guitar strumming.
 I have added little touches of fall to our house to make it festive... Nothing big, just little touches.

Adding different colored dry beans to a trifle dish is such an inexpensive center piece. Thanks, pinterest! :)

I got these Chinese lanterns in the dry flower section at Whole Foods. I added them to what I had for a fall touch.
I am OBSESSED with these colorful stacking pumpkins! I stood in front of Home Depot arranging them, figuring out which ones would work best for my space. I could have gone crazy buying them, but I tried to keep it to a minimum.
This makes me happy to come home to!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

apple picking!

Today I went apple picking with my friends Kristin and Pam! We drove to Hillcrest Orchards in Ellijay, GA which was about an hour and a half north. It was the perfect way to spend the first day of our three-day weekend. The weather was perfect... with a nice cool autumn breeze in the air, it smelled like fall!

 We were told that there weren't too many apples left on the trees, but we found a few!
There were lots of yucky ones on the ground...
 But still some hanging in the trees!

 Pretty Pam and her pretty apple. :)

This orchard had other activities, one of which was cow milking! None of us had ever milked a cow before, so we did it just so we could say we had done it. Poor cow...

 And we were given stickers that said, "I milked Buttercup at Hillcrest Orchards."

After waiting in a long line for the bathroom so that we could wash our hands, we filled up the rest of our bags with apples that had already been picked. 

Then we munched on apple fritters, apple pie, and homemade ice cream, and were off! It was such a fun and festive day!