Wednesday, December 19, 2012

tacky christmas day

Today was Tacky Christmas Day at school. The teachers and staff dressed up in tacky Christmas attire to surprise the students on the last day before Christmas break. Pam, Kristin and I borrowed sweatshirts from Mrs. Ashby- a teacher who made them herself back in the day... The ribbons on the shoulders were our favorite part!  
Here is Mrs. Ashby and the group she dressed! :) The men are wearing women's vests... 

Unfortunately, my shirt didn't last the whole day as I was thrown up on around 10:30 this morning by one of my students. I am so glad I could hold it together and not get sick myself! I'll spare you the details, but I drove straight home, cleaned up, and changed clothes before returning to work. Even though my tackiness didn't last a whole day, but it was fun while it lasted! 

Hello Christmas break! You are here at last!! 

1 comment:

  1. What a trip! I'm sure you all had lots of laughs. Sorry about the sick child, it's never ever fun when someone gets sick around you but on you is well... there are no appropriate words!
