Sunday, May 5, 2013

sister's graduation

Hooray! Natalie graduated from college!
Brian and I drove down to Gainesville, FL on Saturday to see Natalie graduate from undergrad! It was a short trip, but a very festive one indeed. Mom had been in FL for over a week helping Nat with wedding preparations, and moving her stuff to Norfolk (where she and Dan will be living). Dad flew in from LA on Thursday night to join in the fun. It was lots of fun to be together... In three short weeks, these two will be MARRIED! 

It was a rainy graduation day... Didn't stop us from taking lots of pictures outside on campus. 
We decided last minute to decorate her cap so we could spot her easier.. Good thing Mom had an abundance of washi tape on hand from wedding decorations! :) 
Now just two more years of grad school until we have another speech pathologist in the family! 

Mom spotted a spot on Dad's shirt... As I was getting it out with a tide-to-go, I realized that he had a grew undershirt instead of white. He said he forgot to pack his white shirts, so this was all he had... 

Turns out, it was a UF shirt! How appropriate for graduation day! 
After the ceremony, we went back to Nat's house to hang out with her roommates and friends. Then on Sunday, we had a big breakfast and loaded up Dan's truck with the rest of her belongings to take to Norfolk. Twenty days until the wedding!! 

1 comment:

  1. Great recap of the day! I wish I could just copy your blog and post it on mine!
