Monday, February 6, 2012

all jumbled up

Lately I feel as though I cannot think straight. I have all of these projects in my mind with not enough hours in the day to get them done! I have about 10 things started... My kitchen table is evidence of this. I have cupcake toppers, coffee filter flowers, pompom garland, table runners, and a chevron canvas started... I blame pinterest

 I was ready for bed at 8:00 on Friday night, but thought that was ridiculous. So instead of going to bed, I decided to start painting this chevron canvas. How hard can it be to paint zigzags? It was a lot more involved than I had expected.. Making my own pattern did not work. I tried twice and gave up. I had to print a pattern, trace it 12 times, tape it off, and then paint 3 coats. Four hours later, I finished and went to bed at 12:45am. 

And as if that isn't enough, I decided to also redecorate the guest room on Saturday. I woke up, ran 8 miles (yay!),  painted the guestroom a lovely shade of gray (thanks Natalie!), and proceeded to rearrange the furniture. The way I had the furniture set up before was not ideal.. It worked, but it was not using the space well. I pulled out the tape measure and figured out if it was possible to rearrange the already cramped space, and also add a chair! And it works! It already feels like a different space. 

This is my inspiration

I found this chair on craigslist for $45. I've been wanting a wing back chair for so long, and I'm excited about this one! I plan on getting a slipcover made.. still debating on the exact color. I wish I was talented enough to sew one myself. I need to stick to sewing straight seams. I'd love to do a fun print, but I think I'm going to stick to a solid... I'm debating between white and dark gray to contrast with the light gray walls. 

I can't seem to find a duvet cover that I love, so I'm thinking about this fabric.. Debating between different accent fabrics for pillows! 

I can't wait to see how it all comes together. I will be posting photos, hopefully soon! 


  1. I love the fabric print!!! And you know how I feel about all of this crafting :) Can't wait to see you SOON!
