2013 was a great year. It was hard to narrow down the highlights.... I could have posted so many more pictures. It really was a great year.
1. Ran my first marathon! Probably the biggest accomplishment of my life thus far...
2. Charleston trip with the Neels & Gregory's
3. Meeting John & Sherry from YHL with Julie!
4. Meeting our niece for the first time
5. California trip #1 of the year- Here we aer in La Jolla
6. Mom & I met Andy Cohen at his book signing! He thought we were sisters and told us we were pretty. :)
7. Ran the Jacksonville, FL Gate River Run 15K with Nat
7. Hosted Natalie's bridal shower in Ormond Beach
8. Hosted Natalie's bachelorette shower in Gainesville
9. Natalie's graduation from UF
10. Dan & Natalie's wedding in St. Augustine!
11. Spent Memorial Day weekend in St. Augustine with my family and the Clements
12. The day we found out I'm pregnant! I had just told Brian the news minutes before this picture was taken. He was still in shock. :)
13. Met my friend Nina's baby, Will for the first time!
14. Spent the weekend at Lake Murray with my grad school friends, Angie and Lauren. Lauren was 8 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy, and Angie is 8 weeks behind me! We'll all have babies close in age. :)
15. Spent the day with Carrie, Michelle, and Reagan in Sparta. One of my favorite places to visit.

17. Opened my first etsy shop!
18. Spent the 4th of July with the newlyweds in Norfolk, VA
19. Toby meets his cousin Finley
20. California trip #2 of the year with Kristin!
21. Vacation in The Dominican Republic with the Gregory's!
22. First day of work- Kristin and I wore the exact same thing accidentally
23. Weekend in Asheville with Brian's parents
24. Spent Labor Day weekend in DC with the Neel's
25. Hung out with Kareem at Doug and Katie's wedding!
26. Doug & Katie got married!
27. Girls weekend in Asheville
28. Brian turns 30!!
29. Hamilton Lakes Girls weekend in Charlotte
30. My first baby shower!
31. First time in two years that my whole family had been together.
32. Weekend in Boone at the cabin with the Neels and Gregory's
33. Thanksgiving with Brian's side of the family
34. 31 weeks pregnant!
35. Christmas in California
36. NYE in Charlotte with the Day's and Neel's.
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