Friday, January 3, 2014

NYE 2013

This year, we spent NYE with the Neel's and the Day's in Charlotte. Carrie and Andrew have a lovely home and invited us all to stay for the night. It was so much fun. We got dressed up, made a nice dinner, listened to music, took lots of pictures, drank wine (or sparkling juice with a splash of wine for me), and laughed incredibly hard. I love having an "event" for NYE, but I also love staying in the coziness of someone's home with close friends. 

We didn't need entertainment... We can entertain ourselves. :)

Love these sisters- we've all been friends since 1988! I don't know what I'd do without them.
Next year there will be a little addition to our family! Although hopefully he'll be asleep at midnight. :)
The whole group!

Ginna's mother-in-law gave her a pinata for the party. It was a little random, but kind of fun! Maybe it'll be a new tradition?  

We made it to midnight! Barely....
The next morning, Carrie made an amazing New Years Day brunch. Our friends the Gregory's came over which was so fun! We sat around the table for almost three hours! We could have sat around for longer, but we had to hit the road...
We celebrated Christen's birthday!
Such a fun way to start 2014!
2014 is going to be an exciting and interesting year for the Parker's. Lots of changes will be happening... Baby Parker is just six weeks away from his due date. That will obviously be the biggest change. Brian will finish up with computer programming classes in May and probably start looking for a new job. I will switch from working full time in the schools to hopefully part time at a private practice. New jobs could mean relocating, which we are considering. So many things to think about! I could easily feel anxious and stressed, but am trying to take it one day at a time and trust that God will lead us in the right direction. Honestly, it's hard for me to think of anything besides having this baby. We are getting more and more excited to meet him every day.